Board Committees

Committees of the Board

The President of the Board of Osteopathic Examiners occasionally appoints committees to study topics and make recommendations to the Board (A.R.S. § 32-1802 (E)). The President is required to appoint at least one Board member to each committee. The President serves as an ex officio member of each Committee. Committee members serve without compensation, but have immunity from civil liability for any act done in good faith as a committee member.

Committees of the Board share with the Board its primary mission, to “protect the public from unlawful, incompetent, unqualified, impaired and unprofessional practitioners of osteopathic medicine.” (A.R.S. § 32-1803(A)(1).) Committees do this by researching the specific topics contained in the charge they receive from the President of the Board, discussing that topic from their professional perspectives, and coming to consensus on recommendations. Committees conclude their work by presenting to the Board a written review of their work and their final recommendations. The Board then discusses and takes appropriate action on those recommendations at a regularly scheduled Board meeting.

Again like the Board itself, Committees are subject to the State of Arizona’s Open Meeting and Public Records laws. The Committees will have their business agenda posted on the Board’s website; those agenda will include Calls to the Public. The Committees may meet in person, or by electronic means (teleconference or internet meetings). The Committees’ minutes will be posted on the Board’s website, and the Committee’s working papers will be public records.

Each Committee has at least one Board staff member assigned to it, who is responsible for scheduling meetings and posting agenda, writing the minutes of committee meetings, and creating the final written report and recommendations.

The current Committees and their charges are listed below:

In accordance with A.R.S.§32-1802(E), The Board President has established a committee to review substantive complaints and recommend action to the Board.

  • Case Review Committee 


In accordance with A.R.S.§32-1802(E), The Board President has established a committee to review the compliance of physicians with the Board confidential monitoring program, disciplinary orders, non-disciplinary orders, consent agreements, interim consent agreements and interim orders and to recommend action to the Board.

  • Compliance Review Committee

In accordance with A.R.S.§32-1802(E), The Board President has established a committee to review the statutes, rules and regulations of the Board and to recommend changes or actions to the Board.

  • Statute and Legislative Committee